U.S. JOLTS Job Openings

Latest release date

Aug 29, 2022





A survey done by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics to help measure job vacancies. It collects data from employers about their businesses' employment, job openings, recruitment, hires and separations. JOLTS defines Job Openings as all positions that are open (not filled) on the last business day of the month. A job is "open" only if it meets all three of the following conditions: 1. A specific position exists and there is work available for that position. 2. The job could start within 30 days, whether or not the establishment finds a suitable candidate during that time. 3. There is active recruiting for workers from outside the establishment location that has the opening. A reading that is stronger than forecast is generally supportive (bullish) for the USD, while a weaker than forecast reading is generally negative (bearish) for the USD.

Impact: High

Country: U.S.

Currency: US Dollar

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Date Actual Forecast Previous
August 29, 2022 21:00 10.70M
August 1, 2022 21:00 10.70M 10.99M 11.30M
July 5, 2022 21:00 11.25M 11.05M 11.68M
May 31, 2022 21:00 11.40M 11.29M 11.86M
May 2, 2022 21:00 11.55M 11.19M 11.34M
March 28, 2022 21:00 11.27M 11.00M 11.28M
March 8, 2022 20:00 11.26M 10.96M 11.45M
January 31, 2022 20:00 10.93M 10.35M 10.78M
January 3, 2022 20:00 10.56M 11.06M 11.09M
December 7, 2021 20:00 11.03M 10.45M 10.60M